Monthly Archives: June 2008

Campers soon to arrive…

Hey all. Orientation and camp training came to an end today and tomorrow the campers will arrive. The last couple of days were filled with more physical work and staff training to prepare us counselors how to deal with the campers in all situations.

I am very excited for the campers to come. It has been fun hanging out with all the counselors but it will be even more fun once the campers arrive and activitiy teaching begins. Once the kids arrive the dining hall here is going to get kind of wild… much like the dining hall at Bates around lunch time. I will keep you all posted of the happenings here at camp. Hope everyone is enjoying summer! Until next time…

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Summer Job Begins…

Hey all. I have now been up at camp for about a week and everything is in full swing. The campers arrive on Wednesday so everyone is working hard to get the camp up and ready for opening day.  My days have been filled with CPR/AED training and physical labor (hanging banners, moving trunks, etc.). 

Readjusting to living in Maine again has been fairly easy. I am only about an hour from the Bates campus so in some ways I feel like I never left. It has been awesome catching up with the other counselors. I have known many of them for years and it is great to be able to see them again and pick up from where we left off. The staff at Winona comes from all over the world so it is really cool to be able to chat with counselors about the cultural, social, and political differences between our respective countries. Already I have had conversations with staff from Sweden, Australia, Ireland, England, and Colombia. Being exposed to so many people from different countries reminds me of Bates where I have met so many great people from all over the world.

The fun will continue in the next couple days and soon the campers will arrive. Until then I will continue to enjoy my down time and will hang out with the other counselors, play pick-up games of basketball and soccer, swim in the lake, and run. I took some great pictures looking out over beautiful Moose Pond. Unfortunately the internet at camp is not allowing me to upload them but I will get them up as soon as possible. Until next time…

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Filed under Summer

Beach Day (part 2)

Hey all. Some of you might remember my blog about the spring clambake and my day at Popham Beach. Well, a few days ago I went to the coast again to enjoy the sun and sand. This time I headed to Jones Beach, a huge state park beach in Wantagh, NY in Long Island. I went with a group of 4 of my friends and we enjoyed a day of fun and relaxation in the sun. We packed a lunch and spent the day hanging out. It was nice catching up with friends and just being able to chill out before I head up to Maine for my job.

Speaking of heading up to camp, I am leaving tomorrow. Of course I haven’t packed yet… once again I am putting things off until the last minute. I am going to bring my computer up to camp and will use it when I can. I should still be able to blog at least once a week and probably twice a week so stay tuned.

Until then here are some pictures from the beach that my friend’s Janine and Michelle took!

(Me Sleeping on the beach)


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Filed under Summer

Back to Maine in a Week

Hey all. I’m back for another update. The weather in NY the past few days has been a bit of a mixed blessing. I am loving the beautiful, sunny weather (it was more than 90°F the past 2 days) but the humidity has been killer. It makes me miss the cooler and drier weather at Bates. Weather aside, I had a great weekend. Matt, my friend from Bates whose pictures can often be seen on this blog, came down from New England for a few days. It was nice hanging out with a fellow Batesie and we also met up with another mutual friend from school for a little Bates reunion.

Other than that, everything has been pretty calm and relaxed around here. I have been catching up with some reading, dealing with some final preparations for camp, and of course spending quality time with family and friends.

A week from tomorrow I head back up to Maine to start my summer job as a counselor at Camp Winona and I am getting very excited… I am enjoying my time home before I head back to the great state of Maine. Until next time…

Be on the lookout for some summer pictures in the next few days!

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Summer Update…

Hey all. Not too much news to report but I did want to keep you all updated with my summer plans. I head back up to Maine in about 2 weeks to begin my summer job as a counselor at a camping/sports camp. It will be my 9th summer (2nd as a counselor) at the camp in Bridgton, about an hour drive from Bates. I will be working with campers ranging in age between 11-13 which should be a blast.

Until then I am just trying to enjoy home. My extended family was here last weekend and it was great to see them. I have been spending a great deal of time with my family and friends and of course have been sleeping copious amounts. Yesterday I went back to my high school with a friend to visit one of my former teachers and to roam the hallways and reminisce. The whole experience was strange. It was weird being back in a place that was so familiar just a year ago but to now feel so out of place. Still it was nice to go back and see some friendly faces.

It is great to be back home but of course I am missing Bates and my friends there. Until next time…

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Filed under Off Campus, Summer